Up to Greater Heights

Do you like heights? I don’t! When I learned that we would be putting plywood over the rafter of our growing tiny house, my first thought was, ‘I hope I don’t have to get on the roof’. After setting up the air compressor, nail gun, and stretching out extension cords, everyone gathered around to hear from Mr. George, our contractor extraordinaire, about how we would get the plywood up on the rafters. After he explained the procedure we set to work, passing the first sheets of plywood up to him, as he nailed them in place. After he got a section of the roof done, it was our turn. I gulped, climbed the ladder and carefully eased myself onto the roof. Scottlyn (Who is not bothered by heights!), encouraged me, telling me that we would not fall off. After a few minutes, I was able to unfold myself and began moving plywood and nailing it in place. By the end of the afternoon, I was crawling across the roof, nail gun in tow, nailing down the plywood sheets. As I climbed back down the ladder and my feet safely hit the ground, a feeling of huge accomplishment came over me. I had conquered my fear of heights and helped put a roof on our tiny house! Sometimes, learning doesn’t just involve facts and homework – learning to push yourself out of your comfort zone is just as an important lesson as knowing the angle of a roof.

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